The change and results driven solutions provider.

Manor Hall Academy Trust

Manor Hall Academy Trust

The Manor Hall Academy Trust was incorporated in September 2015 as a Multi-Academy Trust and is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The defining feature of the Manor Hall Academy Trust is that it is a Special Schools Trust. This means that the work of the Trust is driven by the distinctive needs of Special Schools. Whilst the Trust has robust systems for accountability, each academy has their own distinctive culture. As part of the continued focus to provide the best facilities and best efficiencies for their pupils and their employees, Manor Hall identified a need to improve some of their internal efficiencies. Part of these efficiencies included energy saving initiatives across the entire complex and this is where WN1 Group supported extremely successfully.

LED Lighting installation across the Manor Hall Academy Trust Complex.

Key Outcomes

The Challenge

The Board of Manor Hall MAT had set out a number of sustainability and cost saving goals and a full LED Lighting conversation was highlighted as the main area to achieve these targets. WN1 were tasked with undertaking the full end to end process for all of the schools within Manor Hall Academy Trust which included.

The Solution

WN1 presented a proposal to convert over 2,220 fluorescent fittings with new LED fittings. Given the level of energy savings available, there was an ambition to start the projects as soon as possible. WN1 produced and managed a roll out plan which saw all the projects carried out over a 5 week period with teams working days, nights and weekends to ensure the Trusts objectives were met.

Furthermore, the positive financial outcome of the contract is truly remarkable. With a contract cost of £170,000, we anticipate annual savings of £74,000. This not only represents a significant reduction in operational expenses but also demonstrates WN1’s commitment to helping our clients achieve substantial cost savings while reducing their environmental footprint.

With regards to the environmental impact, it is worth noting that the project completion by WN1 has also contributed significantly to sustainability goals of Manor Hall Academy Trust. The LED lighting installation is expected to reduce their carbon emissions by an impressive 125.07 tons annually, making a solid long term contribution to their commitment to a greener future.

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